
What was once a safe treatment for ADHD has become an substance abuse epidemic: The facts about Adderall Drug Treatment

For individuals who struggle with ADHD, this stimulant has shown to improve attention and focus. This stimulant is Adderall and once considered a successful therapeutic intervention for those individuals diagnosed with ADHD until the medication became highly abused. Adderall binds together norepinephrine and dopamine receptors in the brain as well as epinephrine receptors in the adrenal gland. The result of binding the receptors can lead to not only increased level in energy but a euphoric feeling. The feeling created while using this medication has increased the likelihood for abuse. For this reason, Adderall is considered a controlled substance. Pennsylvania treatment centers can provide treatment for those individuals struggling with Adderall addiction.

Signs of Adderall Abuse

Before deciding whether treatment is required for an Adderall addiction, there are signs and symptoms to help you identify if treatment is necessary. It is important to understand the signs of signs and symptoms of Adderall addiction if you believe a loved one is struggling. Adderall abuse can be hidden.

Here are some common signs Adderall abuse:

  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Agitation
  • Depression
  • Seizures
  • Hallucination
  • Aggressive Behavior

If you have concerns about whether a loved one is struggling with Adderall addiction, Sobriety Solutions Pennsylvania treatment center can complete an evaluation to determine whether an individual is struggling with addiction.

Seeking Treatment for Adderall Addiction

Addiction to Adderall will require professional help to overcome. Our Pennsylvania treatment center can provide the treatment required to help with an Adderall addiction. Our Pennsylvania treatment center will complete an evaluation of the individual seeking treatment and create an individualized treatment plan to meet one unique set of needs. Our Pennsylvania treatment center has licensed professionals on-site that are equipped to handle an Adderall addiction.

Our Pennsylvania treatment center will help an individual overcome the emotional and physical effects from Adderall abuse to achieve long-term sobriety. Our Pennsylvania treatment center will use evidence-based treatment practices by trained clinicians to help individuals lead a healthy, positive way of living. This way of living is oftentimes referred to as recovery. Our Pennsylvania treatment center will offer therapy and medication if necessary, with other recovery support a part of the treatment plan. Sobriety Solutions Pennsylvania treatment center will provide multiple types of counseling such as individual counseling, group counseling, and family counseling. Individual counseling for drug treatment may include setting goals, identifying barriers, ways to work through challenges, and celebrating progress. Pennsylvania treatment case management services in order to work on family or legal concerns.

If you feel a yourself or a loved ones Adderall addiction has gotten out of control, please seek professional help at our Pennsylvania treatment center as soon as possible. We can offer individualized treatment plans at our Pennsylvania and New Jersey treatment center. 

If you are ready to begin drug treatment at our Pennsylvania treatment center or New Jersey treatment center, please contact us (833)-880-HELP. 

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